About the Author

I am presently an "Applications Engineer" and the Applications team Tech Lead working in the operations department at Citrix Online. As a member of this popular SaaS provider my role is pretty losely defined as the comprehensive owner of our Applications infrastructure. My team is responsiblefor things including, but not limited to: configuration and management, runstate health and design for future operational needs in cooperation with Development. Essentially we're the "everything else" team for operations when things fall outside cleanly defined borders such as hardware, network, and database. I find this position highly stimulating due to both the pace of the workand the breadth of scope.

In a past life I was a Computer Engineer working at the University of California, San Diego. I was involved in grid and clustered computing, web development, grid-based portal development, and systems administration for a wide variety of platforms including, but not limited to Mac OS X, RHEL, and Solaris. I wascontinually responsible for making sure things "get done", withlittle to no guidance in a vast range of technical assignemnts generally each with a steep learning curve.

In my spare time, I participate in a variety of entertainment oriented events. Most notable is my involvement in helping to orchestrate the annual Masquerade ball "The Labyrinth of Jareth", held in Hollywood California at the Henry Fonda Music Box Theater